Sunday, April 2, 2017

When April Showers Bring May Flowers...

I teach a photography class a few days a week in addition to my photography sessions. I try to keep it fun and interactive, but also enlightening and inspiring. OK, and I AM a gemini, so often my "plans" are thrown out the window because I just don't feel like teaching about THAT today, I'd rather teach THIS! So when it was rainy and gross outside, but the colorful amazing flowers appeared before me the day before class... well you can guess what happened. Flower photography day is exciting and interactive and it shows that there is ALWAYS something to photograph for very little, IF ANY, cost beyond your photography equipment. I explained all of that to them, we talked specifics of shooting flowers, and then I told them how they have always been my photography project when I'm stuck creatively. They always seem to help me work through whatever block is happening and see the other side and get excited about it.

I realized the next afternoon that they are also my go to for fun. I bought a few amazing specimen and setup a vintage feeling still life. It turned into a wonderful shoot and I'm IN LOVE with the outcome. These remind me of the era of art that just calls to me. It's Vermeer and Rembrandt and beautiful light. It feels subtle and strong, all at the same time. It feels like me...
So when you feel stuck, or happy, or inspired, or uninspired, remember that just picking up your camera and working with light is enough to pull you out and help you to see things in a whole new light.

Images are all the copyrighted property of Heather Liebler Photography